"Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons
exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten."
As a daughter, I have always thought my dad was invincible. He could
cure any ailment. He loved me through all the pains, struggles, and
self-inflicted wounds this daughter brought to him. He stood with his
sword of truth, his shield of faith, and gathered me close, keeping me
safe and loved. As I grew, he let me stand beside him, teaching me how
to fight the dragons myself, how to enlist help from others, and his
greatest teaching - to pray to my Father in Heaven. He taught me to
pray to my Heavenly Father not only in help in beating the dragons but
to discern when a dragon in disguise was waiting for me.
I spoke with my brave dad today. My dad has been diagnosed with a
disease, a disease that will take him from me, first in mind and one
day in body. I love my dad, with all my heart. It's a love of a little
girl wishing to please her dad. It's a love of a rebellious teenager
who tested that love on many turns. And it's the love of a grown
daughter who at times is still this man's little girl. He has never
disappointed, never let me down, and always - even miles away - is
standing beside me, still waging the battle beside me against the
dragons in my life. There are dragons that some people have to face
that never came into my world because of my dad. There are dragons
that were weakened to the point of defeat before they even confronted
me. And there were dragons that were mine to battle, maybe even
invited into my life, that were fought and defeated because of this
man. How do I say I love you enough times? How do I show that love?
And how do I express to him that his teachings and fight on my behalf
matter, that they made the difference, and that I will continue this
fight all my life.
I don't know all the answers, but one way to show my dad all he is to
me is to continue the battle. And to share with my own how to sharpen
your sword, how to polish your shield, and how as a child and parent
you can win any battle. So I will continue. I will fight valiantly,
and I will love with all my heart, keeping me and mine safe as my dad
now battles a dragon I can't help much with. A scripture has come to
mind that for me captures my dad in all the ways I love and admire
him. "I have fought a good fight. I have finished my course. I have
kept the faith."
Kathi P.
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