Thursday, February 27, 2014


Men cannot really long rest content with mediocrity once they see excellence is within their reach. –Thomas S. Monson

One of the greatest gifts of the gospel is the blessing that comes with understanding who we really are and where we come from. We are children of God, the most powerful being. What is He if not Excellence? As His sons and daughters, we have an innate worth and potential that comes from being a child of Deity. I think more often than not, we see so much less of ourselves than Heavenly Father does. We accept mediocrity where He knows what we are truly capable of. When we accept Him into our lives, and apply this gospel He has prepared for us, our own vision of ourselves begins to expand. Then, as we accept that we have more potential than we ever imagined, our old habits and expectations are no longer satisfactory. We begin to see what He has seen all along, and we want to make the changes and be the people Heavenly Father means for us to be. 

This doesn’t have to be a huge thing. It can start with something as simple as a change in attitude. I have found in my life that the minute I begin think about who I really am, my divine heritage, I automatically want to be better, and act more like a daughter of God should. It’s a simple thing really, to accept who we are meant to be, but can make all the difference in how we live up to our potentials. For each of us, excellence is within our grasp, we just have to reach out for it.

Betsy Z. 

1 comment:

  1. Betsy,

    Thank you for this post. I loved your testimony that we are God's children. Your words and life bless me. I read a book once where the character said, "What matters most is that I am a citizen of God's kingdom, I am his daughter." You answered a prayer today with this beautiful post.

    Love you,
    Kathi P.
