Monday, January 6, 2014

Keeping the Christmas Spirit

The Christmas break is coming to a close, and I'm excited for classes to start back up again.  Looking back, the best memories I have of the 2013-2014 Christmas break are the moments I had having fun with my family and visiting relatives.  Sure, the decorations are coming down and we're going back to our normal jobs and routines, but I wish to recall a few of President Monson's words:
Often we assume that [the people around us] must know how much we love them. But we should never assume; we should let them know. … We will never regret the kind words spoken or the affection shown. Rather, our regrets will come if such things are omitted from our relationships with those who mean the most to us.
The spirit of Christmas is the spirit of love and of generosity and of goodness... [it] is something I hope all of us would have within our hearts and within our lives, not only at this particular season but also throughout the years...  When we keep the spirit of Christmas, we keep the Spirit of Christ, for the Christmas spirit is the Christ Spirit...  There is no better time than now... for all of us to rededicate ourselves to the principles taught by Jesus Christ.
 - Drew H.

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