Monday, January 6, 2014

An Answer to Prayers

In a recent church meeting, we talked about personal revelation.  We can receive personal revelations through feelings, thoughts, the actions of another person, and in other ways if we're ready for them and seeking them.

A short while ago, my father was driving with a trailer on a long-term business trip.  While filling up at a gas station, a man came up to him and pointed out that one of the trailer's tires was about to fall off.  Had he not pointed the danger out, the tire would've slipped off, the trailer and it's valuable, fragile contents would have been damaged, and my dad would've had a very bad start in a job my family has become dependent upon.

My family and I knew that that man and his good-will were answers to our prayers.  This experience has served to build my testimony that God hears and answers our prayers, and that we can be tools in His hands in carrying out His work.

- Drew H.

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