Thursday, April 17, 2014

He is Risen!

I have heard it said that Easter is the most important day in the Christian world. Even greater than our Savior's birth is the day He rose again. With Easter and spring time we celebrate new life and new beginnings. Because our Savior died for us and rose again, we too shall rise again with new life. We experience fresh beginnings each time we turn to our merciful Redeemer for repentance of our sins and plead for strength to be better. We can experience daily growth as we make this an ongoing part of our lives. This daily transformation will bring us closer to our Savior and bring us his joy. In our journeys of life, may we find Christ in our hearts, in the scriptures, in service to others and becoming better. Christ no longer lies in the sepulchre; as the angel said: He is not here: for He is risen! Matthew 28:6

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