Sunday, August 31, 2014

Dance Shoes

One dance class.  One test worth 24% of my grade.  No dance shoes.  A prayer.  Normal heels being hard to dance in.  Ordering dance shoes to arrive just in time. Dance test Tuesday; shoes to arrive Monday...

Monday, checking mailbox but no dance shoes... Paper in mailbox: 'No residents at this address'.  Worry.  Looking online.  Shoes came, but forwarded.  Panic.  A phone call..  Shoes coming next Tuesday...  Test tonight.  Worry...a  That night, test changed by teacher till the next Tuesday... Hooray!

Waiting for shoes.  Tuesday shoes...  Leaving to visit my brother before he leaves for two years, then directly to dance class...  Still no shoes...another prayer.  Remembering: forgot paper in apartment...  Going back to car... Mail truck coming closer.  Shoes given.  Apology made.  Joy...relief...answered prayer!

Some say: coincidence...
But I know better: God is real and hears me.  I ask and trust.  His help comes.

Kimberly H.

To know more about prayer and trusting in God, please visit

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